Le gentil vaurien
- Han Solo: Hey, Your Worship, I'm only trying to help.
- Princess Leia: Would you please stop calling me that?
- Sure, Leia.
- You make it so difficult sometimes.
- I do, I really do. You could be a little nicer, though. Come on, admit it. Sometimes you think I'm all right.
- Occasionally, maybe... when you aren't acting like a scoundrel.
- Scoundrel? Scoundrel? I like the sound of that.
- Stop that.
- Stop what?
- Stop that. My hands are dirty.
- My hands are dirty, too. What are you afraid of?
- Afraid?
- You're trembling.
- I'm not trembling.
- You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life.
- I happen to like nice men.
- I'm a nice man.
- No, you're not. You're...
Éminent dialogue hawksien entre Han Solo (Harrison Ford) et la princesse Leia (Carrie Fisher) dans l'une des délicieuses scènes de The empire strike back (L'empire contre-attaque – 1980) de Irvin Keshner. L'apport très certainement de la scénariste Leigh Brackett qui travailla avec Hawks sur The big sleep (Le grand sommeil - 1946) et ses courses de chevaux, ainsi que sur Rio Bravo (1959) et El Dorado (1967). Photographie de tournage source This is not porn (excellent).
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